This is a responsive transparent login page template in HTML and CSS. If you are searching for a responsive login page HTML and CSS template for free then you definitely have to try it. Actually to make a front-end design of login form is not that hard if you know HTML and CSS but on some occasions, you might have limited time, and using templates like these can help you a lot.
As mentioned above this login page template is responsive and transparent. To make any element transparent what you can do is just set "background: transparent;" in the style of that element. And to make it responsive you can use media queries for different screen sizes.
You can see the live demo of this login page template in the frame above. And to download the HTML and CSS file for this page you can click on the download button below.
The download file contains an HTML file and all the required images file as a RAR file. Extract it and test the responsive transparent login page. For simplicity, CSS is merged with the HTML file. Since this is frontend-only( i.e. written only using HTML and CSS) to use it with your website you have to write some backend logic.
Some of the features of this login page template as:
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