If you have some knowledge of HTML and CSS then you can easily make a sticky navbar on your own. In this article, you will see how to make a simple sticky navbar. The code to make a sticky navbar is very simple and self-explanatory. Following is its code.
Following is the code for a simple login form/login page and a registration form/page in HTML with CSS code. It is a basic login page + Registration page written completely using HTML. You can use this login form and registration form on your website without any restrictions." "
This design is a responsive contact us page design using HTML and CSS. you can make such a contact us page if you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. You can test our other best responsive contact us page designs for free if you want." "
It is very easy to make a 404 page not found error page using HTML and CSS. What you have to do is just create a static HTML page and write a 404 error message. In addition to this, you can provide links to other pages link home page, search pages, etc to redirect your visitor inside your website. "
Keeping all these benefits of querySelector over getElementById and getElementByClassName, if we look at the performance only then we see that querySelector is slower than the other. To experiment with this I have written this code:" "